How to train? It’s a question so many people ask—even after they’ve done it, and even long after they’ve stopped doing it! Those who’ve trained, or are still training, know that it is one of the most important aspects of their overall fitness. But it’s not just about the muscles. It’s about improving the whole body—and that starts with proper muscle balance.

As we all know, the human body is a machine with 5 main systems, which are the nervous, circulatory, respiratory, digestive and reproductive systems. We all have a lifter’s heart rate, a runner’s leg muscles and a swimmer’s circulation, but that’s nothing new. The revolutionary part of this article is its plan…

We’ve all heard of calisthenics, pull-ups, and a few other exercises that utilize our upper body strength to build strength, but not everyone was aware of the push/pull/legs split exercise. It’s thought of as a more advanced exercise for many, but it’s actually one of the first exercises you should learn and master.

The push/pull/leg splits is one of the most popular training splits in the world. Many of the world’s greatest and strongest athletes, including Ronnie Coleman and Andy Bolton, use this type of training to build muscle mass and strength.

With the press/shoulder/leg split, you train your entire body with three separate exercises. You have a press day where you work chest/shoulders/triceps, a pull-up day where you work back/biceps, and a leg day where you work quads/hamstrings/calves.

The press/shoulder/leg split has 5 major advantages over other training splits:

  • Reduces overlap between muscle groups
  • You can set the frequency of training
  • You can specialize in weak muscle groups/exercises.
  • It increases size, strength and fat loss.
  • How to keep your elbows healthy

It’s no wonder some of the best bodybuilders and powerlifters in the world use this split! It’s hard to think of another training split that has so many benefits. Let’s take a closer look at each of these benefits.

Advantage #1: Reduces overlap between muscle groups!

The 5 Benefits Of Push / Pull / Legs Splits! – Revolutionary Program Design

The push/pull/leg split is designed to avoid doubling up on different muscle groups. You don’t have to worry about sore triceps getting in the way of your chest workout or sore hamstrings getting in the way of your quadriceps workout. Take a look at the following bodybuilding-style distribution:

Typical bodybuilding splits

  • Monday: Chest
  • Tuesday: Back
  • Wednesday: Shoulders
  • Thursday: Weapons
  • Friday: Feet
  • Saturday: On the website
  • Sunday: On the website

The problem with this format of training is that there is a lot of overlap between the different muscle groups. This means that during the week some muscles are over-stimulated and others under-stimulated.

Just look at your triceps. If you do full chest, shoulder and arm presses, you are training your triceps three times a week! They also have one or no rest day between training sessions.

Most people who exercise have trouble making progress this way because their muscles and central nervous system don’t have enough time to recover.

The push/pull/leg split eliminates this problem by training similar muscle groups on the same training day. Check out the training version of this split for 3 days a week:

Three day split: Bench press / Deadlift / Legs

  • Monday: Chest / Shoulders / Triceps
  • Wednesday: Back / Biceps
  • Friday: Quadriceps / Hamstrings / Calves

In the press/pull/leg split, you train all complex bench press exercises, such as the bench press, dumbbell bench press, and dumbbell bench press, on the same training day. This means your triceps have a full week of rest between workouts to fully recover.

Even if you train with a 6-day split (press/pull/legs), your triceps will benefit from a longer recovery time than a typical bodybuilder split. This extra recovery time means faster growth in size and strength.

Advantage #2: You can set the training frequency!

The 5 Benefits Of Push / Pull / Legs Splits! – Revolutionary Program Design

The push/pull/leg splits is one of the most versatile training splits in the world! Most people don’t know this, but there are actually three different options for pressing/shooting/shooting ankles:

The major difference between these classifications is the total training frequency for each body part and the number of workouts per week. Let’s take a closer look at each of these options.

Option 1: Split up 3 days a week bench press / deadlift / legs

  • Monday: Shoot
  • Wednesday: Click on .
  • Friday: Feet

Training three days a week in a press/pull/jam pattern is one of the oldest and most effective training divisions in the world. This option is ideal for beginners and advanced bodybuilders/powerlifters.

Beginners love this split because it is very simple and allows for plenty of rest between workouts. However, my experience is that this split works best for advanced bodybuilders and powerlifters who lift a lot of weight in the gym.

Most of the world’s best powerlifters, including Andy Bolton, train three days a week in press/pull/legs. Andy Bolton became the first man to lift 1,000 pounds in competition in 2006. Andy noticed that as he got stronger, he needed more and more breaks between workouts to recover.

The 3 day a week split for bench press / deadlifts / legs was ideal for him because he had at least one day off after each workout and a full week of rest between workouts for each muscle group.

This is what Andy Bolton’s weekly squat and bench press workout looks like:

Andy Bolton’s squat and deadlift workout

  • A1 : Squat, 1 set of 2 reps at 80% of your maximum strength in 1 repetition.
  • B1 : Back Speed Squat, 5 sets of 2 reps at 55-70% of your maximum strength for 1 rep.
  • C1: Deadlift, 1 set of 2 repetitions at 80% of maximum strength in one repetition
  • D1 : Speed deadlift, 5 sets of 2 reps at 55-70% of your maximum strength in one repetition.

After heavy squats and deadlifting, Andy performed a series of exercises to support his lower body, including leg presses, leg extensions, leg twists, etc. It may not seem like much, but if you’re strong enough to lift over 500kg, even a low-volume workout can cost you!

Of course, you don’t have to lift tons to make progress with a three-day press/pull/leg split. If you train at the gym and feel like you need more rest between workouts to recover, this is one of the best workout splits you can use.

Option 2: Split up 4 days a week bench press / deadlift / legs

Week 1:

  • Monday: Shoot
  • Wednesday: Click on .
  • Friday: Feet
  • Saturday: Shoot

Week 2:

  • Monday: Click on .
  • Wednesday: Feet
  • Friday: Shoot
  • Saturday: Click on .

Week 3:

  • Monday: Feet
  • Wednesday: Shoot
  • Friday: Click on .
  • Saturday: Feet

The 4 day a week split (push/pull/leg split) is one of the most underrated training splits in the world. Each muscle group is trained once every 5-6 days, which is an excellent average training frequency that is suitable for many people.

As you can see, each muscle group is trained 4 times in 3 weeks. This means that any body parts you work on Monday will also be worked on Saturday of the same week. My experience is that this distribution is best for advanced bodybuilders.

Dante Trudel often uses this split in his DC training program, and John Meadows sometimes uses this split in his mountain dog training program.

Here’s what a DC workout for pecs, shoulders and triceps might look like for an advanced bodybuilder, with a 4-day press/pull/leg split. Look at this:

Direct current screw drive

  • A1 : Bench press oblique at 30 degrees, 1 x 11-20 PR**, 2/0/X/0, rest as needed.
  • B1 : Pectoralis masculinis, 1 x 20, 2/1/1/0, rest as needed.
  • C1 : Upper bench press with hammer, 1 x 20-30 RP**, 2/0/X/0, rest as needed.
  • D1 : Side lift seated, 1 x 20****, 2/0/1/1, rest as needed.
  • E1 : Cranial dead band squeezes, 1 x 20-30 RP**, 2/1/X/0, rest as needed.
  • F1 : Hammer Dips, 1 x 20, 2/0/1/0, rest if necessary

Here are some examples of DC training videos for this course: Exercise A1, Exercise B1, Exercise C1, Exercise D1, Exercise E1, Exercise F1.

In this workout, do 2 exercises for each muscle group. The first exercise is performed during a set with rest for failure, and the second exercise is performed during a straight set for failure. Dante Trudel recommends doing an extreme stretch after each muscle group to make the workout even more effective.

This form of training is incredibly good for advanced bodybuilders who want to build muscle by getting stronger in the gym. The four-day split for push-ups/pull-ups/legs allows you to train at a slightly higher frequency, which is ideal for rapid strength gains.

Option #3: Fractional bench press/pull-ups/legs 6 days a week

  • Monday: Click on .
  • Tuesday: Shoot
  • Wednesday: Feet
  • Thursday: Click on .
  • Friday: Shoot
  • Saturday: Feet
  • Sunday: On the website

The 6-day split (push/pull/leg) is one of the most popular training splits in the bodybuilding world. Many fitness experts, including Jeff Nippard, say it’s a good choice for people who want to build muscle. In fact, this split was a favorite of Ronnie Coleman, the greatest bodybuilder of all time.

Ronnie used a 6-day split of bench press/pull-ups/legs to train each muscle group twice a week with high volume and incredibly heavy weights. No wonder he was Mr. Olympic Champion!

The biggest drawback to the 6-day bench press/pullover/leg raise is that it can be very difficult to recover from. At the very least, these workouts require an above-average level of recovery. It’s also a poor choice for powerlifters or people who want to build strength because there are a lot of back-to-back training days.

Advantage #3: You can specialize in weak muscle groups / exercises!

One of the biggest advantages of the split press/pull/legs is that you can specialize in weaker muscle groups or exercises! Just reduce the amount of exercise for the weaker parts of your body and increase it for the stronger parts.

Ronnie Coleman used the same strategy to strengthen his sagging shoulders. He mainly did 6 exercises for the weaker muscle groups like the shoulders!

Here’s one of the two weekly shoulder workouts he did on push day:

Ronnie Coleman’s shoulder workout

  • A1 : Military bench press, 3-5 sets of 8-20 reps.
  • B1 : Standing lateral chest lift, 3-5 sets of 8-20 reps each.
  • C1 : Front Deadlift, 3-5 sets of 8-20 reps
  • D1 : Back thigh muscles, chest muscles, 3-5 sets of 8-20 reps.
  • E1 : Lift the rear flexor tendon diagonally, 3-5 sets of 8-20 reps each.
  • F1 : Standing press, 3-5 sets of 8-20 reps each

Talk about high volume! Ronnie found it absolutely necessary to do many different exercises to strengthen his sagging shoulders. To recover from this volume, Ronnie did fewer exercises for strong muscle groups, such as. B. His legs.

Here’s one of Ronnie’s weekly leg workouts:

Ronnie Coleman’s leg workout

  • A1: back squat, 3-5 sets of 5-15 reps each
  • B1 : 45 degree leg press, 3-5 sets of 8-20 reps each
  • C1 : Leg curl, 3-5 sets of 8-20 reps each
  • D1 : Squats, 3-5 sets of 8-20 reps each
  • E1: trunk lift on stiff legs, 3-5 sets of 8-20 reps each

As you can see, Ronnie only does 5 exercises for his quads and hamstrings. If your shoulders are lagging behind the rest of your body, you can follow Ronnie’s lead and increase the volume on the bench press day and decrease the volume on the pull-up day.

Many world-class powerlifters have used a similar strategy to increase their strength in squats, bench press and deadlifts.

Bench press specialist Vincent Dizenzo likes the 3-day-a-week split between bench press, pull-ups and legs because he can easily increase training volume on the bench press day and decrease it on the other two days.

Here’s one of Vincent Dizenzo’s bench press days, working with powerlifting coach Josh Bryant:

Vincent Dizenzo Bench Press Training

  • A1 : Bench press (competition grip), 1 x 2**, 1/1/X/1, 4 minutes rest
  • B1 : Isometric exercises, 2 x 1, hold for 6 seconds, rest for 2 minutes.
  • B2 : Quick bench press (competition grip), 2 x 3***, 1/0/X/0, 2 minutes rest.
  • C1 : Isometric overreach from the top position, 2 x 1, hold for 6 seconds, 2 minute break
  • C2 : Quick bench press (competition grip), 2 x 3***, 1/0/X/0, 2 minutes rest.
  • D1 : Bench press with chains, 1 x 6****, 1/0/X/0, 2 minutes rest.
  • E1 : Deadlift (competition grip), 3 x 1*****, 1/0/X/0, 60 seconds rest
  • F1 : Standing ribbon swing, 2 x 15, 1/0/1/0, 60 seconds rest
  • G1 : Triceps flexion on bands, 4 x 10, 1/0/X/0, 60 seconds rest.
  • H1 : Rope push-ups, 3 x 15, 1/0/X/0, 60 seconds rest.
  • I1 : Scapula retraction, 3 x 12, 1/0/1, rest 60 seconds
  • J1 : Standing pull-ups, 4 x 12, 1/0/X/1, 60 seconds rest

**88% of the maximum expected force for a repetition performed.

***I achieved 76% of maximum power for 1 repetition.

****Performance at 62% of its expected maximum of 1-rep.

****Performance at 80% of the maximum expected performance of a repetition.

You can click here to watch Vincent’s bench press workout video.

This is a high intensity bench press workout! Vincent performs 12 exercises for the chest, shoulders and triceps. At the time, Vincent specialized in bench pressing and wanted to focus 100% on perfecting this exercise.

The three-day split (bench press / deadlift / legs) was ideal for him because he could increase his training volume on the bench press day and decrease it on the other two days.

For example, a 3-day split of push/pull/legs makes it easy to specialize in the weaker muscle groups. If you want to get your muscles popping with high volume or if you want to specialize in squats, bench press or deadlifts, this workout is for you!

Advantage No. 4: It works for more size, strength and fat loss!

The 5 Benefits Of Push / Pull / Legs Splits! – Revolutionary Program Design

The split push/pull/legs is perfect for any training goal! It can be used for training size, strength or fat loss. You just need to make sure you choose the right version of the push/pull/leg exercise for your goals.

Push-ups / Pull-ups / Legs to build muscle!

If your goal is to build as much muscle mass as possible, you should try a 4-day push/pull/leg program. One of the things I like most about this split is that you train each muscle group once every 5 days or so. It falls right in between the high frequency and low frequency learning approaches that almost everyone uses.

By training your muscles every 5 days, you can really load them with more volume, while avoiding the pitfall of only training each muscle once a week. IFBB pro John Meadows loves this split and sometimes uses it with his bodybuilding clients.

Here’s the pull-up workout John developed for a client, with a 4-day breakdown of presses, climbs and leg raises. Look at this:

Mountain dog training

  • A1 : Rowing machine with chest support (mid/neutral grip), 4 x 8**, 1/0/X/0, 2 minutes rest
  • B1 : One-handed pull-ups (prone), 3 x 10, 1/0/X/1, 2 minutes rest.
  • C1 : Standing deadlift (knee height), 3 x 5****, 1/0/1/0, 2 minutes rest
  • D1 : Pull-ups with band support (medium grip), 3 x 12******, 1/0/1/0, 2 minutes rest.
  • E1 : Prone pullover with DB, 3 x 15, 1/0/1/0, 2 minute break
  • F1 : Back stretch at a 45 degree angle (holding the bar while snatching), 3 x 12-15, 1/0/1, 2 minutes rest.
  • G1 : DB curl predicator (rear grip), 3 x 15-20, 1/0/1/0, 1 minute rest.
  • H1 : Extreme biceps stretch, 1 x 60 seconds, 1 minute rest
  • I1: abdominal twist DB (hammer grip), 3 x 12-15, 1/0/1/0, 1 minute rest
  • J1 : Flexion and extension on the dorsal flexor side, 3 x 20, 1/0/1/0, 1 minute rest

**After a set of drops. Perform 8-10 reps, drop the weight, perform 8-10 reps, then perform a static low stretch x 10 seconds with a hand press.

**** Squeeze your glutes well throughout the set to make them work harder. Forget your usual towing weights! Perform a triple fall in the last set. Do 5 reps, drop the weight, do 5 reps, drop the weight, do 5 reps, drop the weight, do 5 reps, do 5 reps, do 5 reps, done!

****** Perform 12 reps to failure with a narrow grip, then widen the grip and perform half of the reps to failure, then perform an iso hold halfway through with a wide grip.

You can click here to watch the training video for this session.

This is a high intensity workout! This workout contains 6 back exercises, 3 biceps exercises and 1 hamstring exercise.

Don’t worry, training goes much faster than you think. After the back workout, you can immediately move on to the biceps exercises with minimal warm-up. Your biceps are already warmed up after the hard work on your back.

Push-ups/pull-ups/legs for strength Lillibridge Method

The press/pull/leg split is not just for augmentation. It is also ideal for powerlifters who want to get as strong as possible. In my experience, the Lillibridge method works PERFECT in conjunction with dumbbells, machines and leg extensions.

The Lillibridge Method was invented by Eric Lillibridge, one of the greatest powerlifters of all time. The basic idea is to do heavy squats, bench press or deadlifts every 2 weeks. For example:

Week 1:

  • Bench Press
  • Heavy knee bends

Week 2:

  • Lightweight bench developer
  • A heavy deadlift.

Here’s what your weekly training program might look like if you use the Lillibridge method and the three-day press/shoulder/leg split:

Lillibridge split learning method

  • Monday: Bench press day
  • Wednesday: Tag Squat/lift
  • Friday: Back and biceps day

And this is what a heavy bench press workout using the Lillibridge method might look like. This workout was performed by Stan Efferding as he prepared for a 606 pound bench press competition. Look at this:

Stan Efferding Bench press day

  • A1 : Bench press (competition grip), 2 sets of 3 reps each
  • B1: Incline press with dumbbells, 2 sets of 6-10 reps
  • C1 : Stretching, 2 sets of 6-10 repetitions

That’s it! Stan kept his bench press workouts simple and uncomplicated with the Lillibridge method. He only did two heavy sets in the bench press, then two heavy sets in the two main supporting exercises.

This type of program is very good for advanced powerlifters who need a lot of rest between workouts because they are so strong.

Push/pull/legs for fat loss : Stan Efferding’s Bodybuilding Program

IFBB professional Stan Efferding used a 6-day bench press/pull-up/legs program to lose fat in preparation for a bodybuilding competition. This 6 day split is ideal for fat loss because you have multiple workouts in the week where you can stimulate fat loss hormones like HGH.

Stan Efferding went even further and trained twice a day, six days a week, with a slightly modified push/pull/leg split. Look at this:

  • Monday
  • Tuesday
    • AM: Back
    • PM : Biceps / Triceps
  • Environment
  • Thursday
  • Friday
    • AM: Back
    • PM : Biceps / Triceps
  • Saturday
  • Sunday

This breakdown is almost exactly the same as the traditional 6-day bench press/pull-ups/legs breakdown. The main difference is that Stan trains his triceps at the same time as his back and biceps. Stan likes to split his workouts between morning and afternoon, because it gives him two chances to stimulate muscle growth and fat loss.

The average coach could never recover from such a twice a day, six days a week training program, but then Stan Efferding is probably not human!

Here is the exact quadriceps workout Stan used when he trained with Flex Wheeler to compete in bodybuilding competitions. Look at this:

Stan Efferding Strength training

  • A1 : Leg curl, 2 x 20, 1/0/1/0, 120 seconds rest.
  • B1 : Leg pressure, 2 x 20, 1/0/X/0, 120 seconds rest
  • C1 : Squat, 2 x 20, 1/0/X/0, 120 seconds rest
  • D1 : Step lunge DB, 2 x 20, 1/0/1/0, rest 120 seconds

You can click here to watch the training video for this session.

As you can see, Stan does 2 heavy sets to failure in 4 fundamental quadriceps exercises. Through trial and error, Stan discovered that sets of 20 reps were most effective for growing his legs. It’s definitely worth a try if your legs are a retarded muscle group.

In summary, the press/drawer/legs is very versatile. It can be used for any training purpose including muscle building, strength building and fat loss. All you have to do is choose the right workout plan to reach your goal.

Advantage#5: How to keep your elbows healthy!

The 5 Benefits Of Push / Pull / Legs Splits! – Revolutionary Program Design

Many advanced bodybuilders and powerlifters fail to train their upper body because their elbows are too damaged. If you often do heavy head kneads or standing dumbbell curls, you probably already know what this means.

One of the most underrated benefits of push/pull/leg stretching is that it keeps your elbows healthy! For biceps or triceps exercises, your arms should be warmed up and slightly tired. This allows the performance of heavy hand exercises, such as. B. Skull crusher, much safer.

Let’s take a look at how some of the best bodybuilders in the world use the split press/pull/leg raise to keep their arms healthy.

Here’s a chest, shoulder and triceps workout Dorian Yates did with a young bodybuilder. Look at this:

Slide training by Dorian Yates

  • A1 : Incline bench press, 1 set of 6-8 reps**.
  • B1 : Power tilt hammer press, 1 set of 6-8 reps****
  • C1 : 30 degree oblique dumbbell thrusts, 1 set of 8-10 reps****
  • D1 : Front body lift with seated DB, 1 set of 6-8 reps****
  • E1: lateral sit-ups on DB, 1 set of 6-8 reps****
  • F1 : Unilateral lateral lift on standing ropes, 1 set of 6-8 reps****
  • G1 : Standing cable push-ups (pronounced grip), 1 set of 6-8 reps****
  • H1 : Bench press (forward), 1 set of 6-8 reps****

** Make a double run. Perform 6-8 reps just below failure, drop the weight, perform as many reps as possible, drop the weight, perform as many reps as possible, done!

**** Train to failure, then perform 1 to 3 additional forced reps with the help of a training partner.

You can click here to watch the training video for this session.

By the time Dorian switched to the triceps exercises, his triceps were pre-tired and bleeding from all the compound chest and shoulder exercises.

At the end of your workout, you barely need to do warm-up sets for your triceps. You can do an easy warm up set and continue with the heavier set until you fail.

Ronnie Coleman was also a big fan of the bench press/pull-up/leg extension, and he never had any problems with his elbows. This is one of his favorite back and biceps workouts in his entire career. Look at this:

Ronnie Coleman Training

  • A1: pull-ups (wide/upper grip), 3-5 sets with 8-20 reps
  • B1: neck pull-ups (wide/upper grip), 3-5 sets x 8-20 reps
  • C1 : Seated pull-up with cable (V-grip), 3-5 sets x 8-20 reps
  • D1 : DB pull down, 3-5 sets x 8-20 reps.
  • E1 : Machine curls, 3-5 sets x 8-20 reps
  • F1 : Dumbbells standing (rear handle), 3-5 sets of 8-20 reps each.
  • G1 : Standing rope curls, 3-5 sets of 8-20 reps each

Click here to see Ronnie do his back exercises, or click here to see Ronnie do his biceps exercises.

Ronnie does 4 heavy back exercises before he even thinks about his biceps. This meant that his biceps were well warmed up and there was virtually no risk of injury. Ronnie’s biceps were one of his best body parts, so it seems his press/pulls/legs split worked like a charm.


The Split Press / Deadlift / Leg is one of the most effective and efficient split workouts in the world. It is also one of the most versatile workout splits. You can train between 3 and 6 days a week, depending on your recovery ability and your goals.

If you’re not sure which type of workout to use, I highly recommend trying one of the push/pull/leg splits. It works for many of the best bodybuilders, powerlifters and weightlifters in the world, and it will work for you too!

Always strive to learn. Learning something new is a wonderful feeling. A sense of progress.

Thanks for reading and good luck with your strength training!

Dr. Mike Jansen.

Thanks for stopping by my site! My name is Dr. Mike Jansen, PT, DPT. I am the creator/owner of Revolutionary Program Design. My goal is to make RPD the best strength training resource on planet Earth. if you are from another galaxy, anything is possible! So lean back, kick back and relax. There has never been a better time to train or learn the art and science of developing strength training programs.

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Link to triceps training for mountain dogs: A complete guide!There’s no point in doing something if it doesn’t benefit you in some way. Even though it may not seem like it when you start out, the benefits of push/pull/legs splits will become very apparent as they are applied to your training. When used properly, the split/push/pull/legs sequence will challenge your muscles to improve their strength and power, be it in the weight room or on the field. But, this isn’t just a blast of flys and squat cleans…. Read more about push pull legs superset workout and let us know what you think.

Frequently Asked Questions

What are the benefits of a push pull workout?

You go to the gym to get in shape, but you may not know exactly how to do so. Here are some of the benefits to doing a push pull workout. Push / Pull / Legs Splits! – Revolutionary Program Design.

Is Push Pull legs the best split?

Push / Pull / Legs Splits can be a great way to get a well-rounded, strength-building workout, but there are different ways of doing them. Some people like to use the push / pull / legs combination to increase an exercise’s effectiveness, while others combine the movements into a single workout. As it turns out, the push / pull / legs split can actually be one of the best kinds of split routines, because it allows you to train your strength, cardio endurance and flexibility all at once. Push / pull / legs splits are a form of interval training that allow you to train upper and lower body at the same time. The main difference between push / pull / legs splits and traditional interval training is that the times between each individual exercise are shorter. Trying to do everything as fast as humanly possible for the whole session is a recipe for injury. With push / pull / legs splits, you’re going to have to work a little harder to get the same effect.

Is Push Pull legs good for building muscle?

A push/pull/legs split is a new type of split training, which combines all three types of leg movements into one superset. First, the resistance training takes place in pushups, pull ups and dips. Next, the running is done, then the resistance training moves into the legs (split squats). Finally, a cool down (lower body stretches) completes the workout. This kind of training provides great benefits for anyone who is trying to get stronger, or build muscle. Push/pull/legs-splits or Power Exercises The push/pull/legs-split is the most widely used and most effective program design for building muscle mass in the human body. In this program design, you will perform push/pull/legs-splits two times per week with one day of rest between each pair of workouts.

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