This question has been puzzling people for a while, and it’s a good question to ask. Some people claim that running is a waste of time and a waste of energy, while others claim that running is a great way to get in shape, burn calories quickly and get a workout done. We think that it doesn’t really matter since the benefits of running are quite small in comparison to the benefits of swimming. Swimming is a great form of low-impact exercise that burns calories while strengthening the heart and the lungs, while the other way around is a good way to get a good workout done without getting bored.

It is widely known that running can help to improve swimming fitness, by increasing the power output of the swimmer, which in turn increases endurance. But does running also help swimming fitness? To put it simply, yes, running does help swimming fitness. There are many reasons why running helps swimming fitness, but what is more important is that running can help you swim faster than you would otherwise be able to swim.

Good for you, running! While it is difficult to believe, there are even people who express disapproval of the ‘running vs. swimming’ meme. For example, a number of people will come to my blog,, and post comments on my post ‘Running – Does it Help or Hurt Swimming Fitness?’, saying that they do not believe running does anything for swimming fitness. Seriously! A few years ago, I wrote an article that explained why running is not only good for swimming fitness, but is actually more important than swimming for your overall fitness, so it’s not very surprising that I would eventually receive comments like this.. Read more about can running make you a better swimmer and let us know what you think.

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Whether you’re a runner searching for methods to enhance your swimming fitness, you may be wondering if jogging will really help you swim better.

Coaches used to prevent runners from doing anything other than running because they thought it would decrease their endurance and cardiovascular fitness in long-distance races like the marathon; nevertheless, can running improve swimmer fitness?

For swimmers, running is an excellent type of cross-training. It helps develop muscular endurance, power, and strength in the limbs in addition to providing your heart and lungs a workout. It will also help with core stability. Running also offers other well-known mental health advantages, such as stress reduction and mood enhancement!

Running may assist swimmers improve their speed in the water by boosting lung capacity, improving knowledge of how to utilize oxygen effectively during exercise, and increasing upper body strength.Running – Does it Help or Hurt Swimming Fitness?

As a swimmer, how much should I run?

If you’re just starting out as a runner and also swim, it’s probably not a good idea to undertake ground-based aerobic training more than twice a week if you intend on swimming as well.

However, as you gain strength and are able to manage the higher training demands of running, you may gradually increase to three or four sessions each week, with at least one day of recovery in between.

This will help you improve your upper body strength, which will assist you in your swim session, while also increasing your aerobic endurance and raising your heart rate when running.

Is Swimming Fitness Transferable From Running?

Because both sports need excellent cardiac endurance and the ability to breathe correctly, running fitness translates well to swimming.

They also aid in the development of upper body strength, which is useful in dragging oneself through the water during a swim exercise when done consistently and with appropriate training.

The quadriceps, hamstrings, and gluteus maximus (butt) in your legs, as well as your core muscles that hold you upright, are all utilized in both activities.

The major distinction between running and swimming fitness is that, whereas runners rely on their anaerobic system to help them sprint faster during a race, swimmers rely nearly exclusively on their aerobic system to help them swim faster over long distances.

Running allows you to sprint and then stop, while swimming allows you to stay going for a much longer length of time, which is why the aerobic system is so essential in enabling swimmers to improve.

Is it possible to improve your swimming by running?

Running may certainly help you improve your swimming skills.

Because aerobic fitness determines a swimmer’s performance, jogging may assist enhance this important element of competitive swimming.

Running also improves upper-body strength and boosts heart and lung capacity, enabling swimmers to take in more oxygen throughout their swim training or race, making them faster overall.

Consider running and swimming if you’re searching for a sport that requires both aerobic endurance and upper-body strength.

Assists in the development of stronger muscles

Running may assist swimmers in developing additional muscle groups that are beneficial during a swim training or race.

While both sports need strong legs, running aids in the development of the quadriceps and hamstrings, which are two of the most essential muscle groups for swimmers.

Swimming primarily focuses on building other muscles such as your core and lower back, which are also needed for other sports. Running also works out your gluteus maximus (butt), whereas swimming primarily focuses on building other muscles such as your core and lower back, which are also needed for other sports.

Another benefit of running is that it helps to improve bone density, particularly in people who are new to exercise or have not been active in a long time. This is because greater weight-bearing activity (i.e., standing up) puts more stress on the bones, which causes them to strengthen in response.

This implies that swimmers may use running to help develop stronger bones over time by participating in this type of exercise, particularly when coupled with a healthy diet and upper-body weight training.

Furthermore, runners typically have more control over their breathing than swimmers, which will be beneficial during a swim training or race.

Running fitness may help you increase your swimming speed and endurance over time as you become used to pushing yourself harder during workouts, which is an important element of the sport.

Can Assist in Injury Prevention

Injury is something that may derail any athlete, and running can help avoid injury by strengthening the essential muscles that swimmers utilize.

This means you can reduce your chances of being sidelined due to a swimmer’s curse, allowing you to stay on top of your training and perform at your best in contests when it counts.

Injury is every athlete’s greatest fear, but running may help swimmers maintain and develop the muscles they need to stay injury-free.

Swimmers’ Running Techniques

There are several types of exercise available, but one of the greatest for a swimmer is jogging. Running may aid in the development of stronger muscles, the prevention of injuries, and the improvement of cardiovascular fitness.

Because of the nature of their activity, swimmers are at a disadvantage when it comes to upper body strength.

Running instead of swimming will enable them to develop these muscles, making lap swimming simpler in many respects and giving them a competitive advantage over other swimmers.


Interval exercise is one of the most effective ways to improve your heart health. This is when you run at one pace for a certain length of time, then raise your speed to a higher level for a brief time before lowering it again.

This enables swimmers to improve their endurance in the same way that swimming laps does, but it also allows them to get stronger owing to the increased pace.

The greatest thing of interval training is that it can be done at home with very little equipment, which means you won’t have to spend a lot of money to be in condition for competitive swimming.


Distance running is a very endurance-based activity, therefore this is more in line with swimming.

To prepare for this, you’ll need to be able to run large distances many times, which is why it’s best suited for swimmers seeking to improve their endurance while also strengthening their muscles.

This is more parallel training than a concentration on increasing speed or strength levels straight immediately, although it may assist with these elements if done on a regular basis.

Training on the Hill

Including elevation gain in your running exercise may help you develop strength while also making it seem more like interval training.

Hill training will require you to slow down as you climb the hill, but once you reach the summit, you may continue your quicker speed until you reach another incline later on, making it an excellent choice for individuals wanting to develop strength as well.

You don’t have to do this to gain strength, but it’s a good alternative for people who want to do something other than swim and want to keep their muscular growth levels up over time without having to spend additional money on exercise equipment or gym subscriptions.


Looking for a more relaxed way to do some exercise and burn some calories? Jogging is an excellent choice for people who want to be active without exerting too much effort.

The difficulty level can easily be changed up or down, allowing you to select how intense you want your exercise and calorie burn to be depending on the amount of time you intend on running that day.

This is a great method to maintain your muscles in top condition on a day off from swimming without putting them through a hard exercise and risking injury.

This enables you to burn the same amount of calories as distance jogging but at a much cheaper cost, which may be helpful for swimmers seeking to save costs on their training.


You may be tired on certain days, but walking is still a choice for people who want to get out and keep moving.

In fact, if you’re seeking to burn calories, walking may be preferable than jogging since it’s gentler on the body, which means your muscles won’t be placed under as much stress when you’re trying to walk quickly or perform an intensive exercise.

To make this work, look for trails that either go up inclines or have a fair degree of descent, since they provide a greater challenge and make it easier to work out your muscles.

Even though it won’t assist with muscle growth as much as swimming, walking is still an excellent choice since swimmers can perform it on a regular basis without worrying about joint discomfort or damage.

In conclusion

The answer to the issue of whether or not jogging will assist swimmers is a resounding yes; there are many advantages, ranging from increased range of motion to greater muscular mass and a reduced chance of injury.

Running, for example, may increase lung capacity, give a better knowledge of how to utilize oxygen effectively during exercise, and develop stronger muscles, all of which can help them swim faster.

As a swimmer, the kind of run you perform depends on your swimming objectives, but common choices include intervals, distance, hill training, and jogging.

Let us know if you’d want to learn more about how running enhances swimming fitness! We’d love to collaborate with you on developing a fantastic plan that will help you move your game from excellent to outstanding.

Have you ever wondered how running affects your swimming fitness? The two activities are similar in many ways, but they also differ in some very important ways. They both require stamina, both are endurance events that take hours to complete, and both are high-impact sports that can lead to injuries. In this post, I will be comparing the two activities and looking at the pros and cons of both for competitive swimmers.. Read more about swimming equivalent to running 5k and let us know what you think.

Frequently Asked Questions

Does running help swimming fitness?

Running is not a good way to improve your swimming fitness.

Which is better for fitness swimming or running?

There is no one answer to this question. It depends on your personal preference and what you are trying to achieve.

Are swimmers bad at running?

Swimmers are not bad at running.

This article broadly covered the following related topics:

  • running and swimming everyday
  • running and swimming workout plan
  • does swimming help you run longer
  • swimming equivalent to running a marathon
  • swimming after running
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