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I learned about Powerbuilding from a friend about a year and a half ago, and it’s one of the most effective and efficient ways I’ve found to get strong. It’s a very simple program though, so I’ll try to explain! Powerbuilding works by focusing almost entirely on the three major muscle groups: (1) The chest, (2) The OST (overhead shoulder/triceps), and (3) The calves. This is done by performing 3 types of exercises: (1) Dips (chest), (2) Pullups (OST), and (3) Leg extensions (calf raises). I’ve found this to be a very effective way to build muscle and strength because it focuses on the major muscle groups

Powerbuilding: The Ultimate Guide! – Revolutionary Program Design

If you want to reach your growth and strength goals in record time, then you need to try a powerlifting program!

Powerlifting is a style of training that uses techniques from bodybuilding and powerlifting to gain size and strength simultaneously. Powerlifting is for those who want the muscular physique of a bodybuilder and the raw power of a powerlifter.

One of the easiest ways to build a powerlifting-type workout is to do 1 or 2 compound exercises at the beginning of the workout, and then do more high volume bodybuilding-type exercises at the end of the workout. This allows you to train size and strength in one workout.

This strategy is a favorite of Justin Harris, national-level bodybuilder, weightlifter and world-class nutritionist. Here’s how Justin describes his powerlifting training style:

Here’s an example of how Justin organizes his powerlifting workouts:

  • Exercise 1: Work towards 1-3 heavy sets of 4-8 reps.
  • Exercises 2 to 5: Do several sets of 8 to 15 repetitions

Justin’s way of training is very effective. However, this is not the only way to build muscle strength.

In this detailed guide, I’m going to show you the 5 most effective weight training programs that will help you gain size and strength simultaneously.

These programs are used by many of the world’s best bodybuilders, strength athletes and coaches, including Larry Wills, Dorian Yates, Louis Simmons, Dr. Scott Stephenson, Charles Polikin and many others.

Here is a plan for the rest of the article:

  • Part 1: Hybrid strength and size training
  • Part 2: High intensity training in bodybuilding
  • Part three: High volume powerlifting training
  • Part 4: Daily radio wave periodization
  • Part Five: Accumulation/Intensification Learning

Message: If you have trouble reading the workout routines in this article, check out this workout reading guide. Let’s get to work…

Part 1: Hybrid strength and size training

Powerbuilding: The Ultimate Guide! – Revolutionary Program Design

Strength training is a workout to get bigger and stronger at the same time. One of the easiest ways to do this is to use low and high rep sequences in the same workout. Sets between 4 and 8 reps are ideal for building strength and functional hypertrophy, while sets between 8 and 20 reps are ideal for building maximum muscle mass and giving your muscles a full bodybuilder look.

One of the easiest ways to set up a powerlifting workout is to do a basic compound strength exercise at the beginning of the workout, and then do a series of bodybuilding-style exercises with higher reps at the end of the workout. This is the strategy that powerlifter and professional bodybuilder Larry Wills uses in his workouts.

When Larry is not training for his next powerlifting competition, he likes to use a powerlifting style workout with one heavy exercise per session. Here is one of Larry’s strength training exercises to strengthen your back. Look at this:

Back training in weight training by Larry Wheels #1

  • A1 : Dumbbell Rowing (bouncing on the floor), 3 sets of 5 reps each
  • B1: pull-ups (wide/high grip), 3 sets of 10-15 reps each
  • C1 : Pull-ups (narrow/neutral grip), 3 sets AMRAP**.
  • D1 : Low Row Hammer Strength, 3 sets of 10-15 reps.

Here is a training video for this session:

Barbell pull-ups are Larry’s main exercise in this workout. Larry is very strong and lifts an incredible 585 pounds for 5 reps – WOW!

For the rest of the workout, Larry sticks to higher reps and just tries to get a huge pump. This type of training gives Larry the size and strength he is looking for when powerlifting in the off-season or preparing for a bodybuilding competition.

In fact, this is the approach Justin Harris uses in his workouts: He trains with weights, one main exercise, then he does a series of supported exercises with higher reps. This is one of Justin’s back workouts. Look at this:

Justin Harris Strength training back

  • A1 : Regular deadlift, 1 set of 6-8 reps
  • B1 : Chest rowing, 3 sets of 8-12 reps
  • C1 : Kettlebell rowing machine with incline, 3 sets of 10-15 reps each
  • D1 : Dante rowing machine, 3 sets of 15-20 reps each

Here is a training video for this session:

This is another typical muscle strengthening workout. A heavy bench press set at the beginning of a workout is enough to stimulate a decent strength gain, while a heavy strength workout at the end of a workout is ideal for building size.

If you are more of a bodybuilder, but still want to train with heavy weights, try strength training in the style of John Meadows. He uses heavy barbell exercises like deadlifts in his program. However, he prefers to place them closer to the end of your workout, after you have already preloaded your back.

Here is an example of a back strengthening exercise you could try. Look at this:

Advanced back training for mountain dogs

  • A1 : Tilmanoeuvre (wide/arm grip), 3 x 15, 1/0/X/0, 120 seconds rest
  • B1 : Seated rope row (V-handle), 4 x 8, 1/0/X/0, rest 120 seconds
  • C1 : Double sided oblique rowing machine with weights, 4 x 8, 1/0/1/1, rest 120 seconds
  • D1 : Pole lift (just below the knees), 3 x 5, 1/1/X/1, 120 seconds rest
  • E1 : Reverse hyperextension, 2 x 15, 1/0/1/0, 120 seconds rest

Here is a training video for this session:

In this workout, John has his weightlifters do deadlifts in the rack at the end of the workout, after warming up their backs with pull-ups and chin-ups beforehand. This forces you to use slightly less weight and use your upper back muscles more during rack lifts, which is exactly what an advanced bodybuilder needs.

In summary, combining low and high rep sequences in the same workout is a great way to build strength. However, this is not the only way! Let’s look at other options.

Part 2: High-intensity strength training

Powerbuilding: The Ultimate Guide! – Revolutionary Program Design

One of the best ways to build both size and strength is through high intensity strength training. High intensity training is training to failure in a small number of sets per body part.

The basic idea is that training to failure causes major muscle fatigue, which is great for stimulating hypertrophy growth. But training to failure also stimulates the central nervous system to adapt, making you stronger.

If you don’t like training with a very low number of reps (i.e. between 1 and 5 reps), training to failure is one of the best ways to get really strong.

In my opinion, there are two high-intensity strength training programs you should consider: Blood and Guts training by Dorian Yates and DC training program by Dante Trudel. Let’s start with Dorian’s program.

Dorian Yates is a six-time Mr. Olympic winner and one of the best bodybuilders of all time. But Dorian wasn’t just a great bodybuilder: He was also one of the strongest men on planet Earth. At his best, Dorian could do a 160 pound dumbbell press and a strict dumbbell press of over 400 pounds per rep. Talk about power!

Dorian’s training program consists of performing a series of exercises to failure for each exercise. Dorian focused on a range of 5-8 reps for all his sets, performing 1-3 additional forced reps at the end of the set when it was safe to do so. This moderate series of reps is absolutely ideal for getting a good mix of size and strength gains.

Here’s the basic treatment for Dorian’s chest. Look at this:

Dorian Yates Chest Workout

  • A1 : Bench press oblique at 30 degrees, 1 set of 5-8 reps to failure.
  • B1 : Bench press, 1 set of 5-8 reps to failure**.
  • C1 : Bench at a 30 degree angle, 1 set of 5-8 reps to failure**.
  • D1 : Cable Crossover standing, 1 set of 5-8 reps to failure**.

Here is a training video for this session:

For each exercise, Dorian did a few warm-up sets, then a set of work to failure. Dorian also did forced repetitions at the end of sentences when it was safe to do so.

A forced repetition is when your training partner helps you lift the weight into a concentric range, then you lower the weight on your own. Forced reps are a form of eccentric training and one of the best training methods for increasing size and strength simultaneously.

Another of the best high intensity strength training programs is called DC training. DC training is a low-volume, high-intensity training program that focuses on rapid strength gains in key bodybuilding exercises.

This is what a typical lower body workout looks like in DC training mode:

DC Training Lower Body

  • A1 : DB Standing Curl, 1 x 11-20 RP
  • B1 : Alternating standing bends, 1 x 8-12 CC
  • C1 : Calf raises in a seated position, 1 x 7-10 SS
  • D1 : Fly squat, 2 x 6, 20****
  • E1 : Romanian cross lift, 2 x 6-12

**** Performed as a breathing squat for 20 reps. Perform 10 reps with a maximum number of reps. Then spread your knees, take a few deep breaths and do 1 to 3 more reps. Continue until you complete 20 reps with a maximum of 10 reps.

Here is a training video for this session:

One of the things that sets DC training apart from other powerlifting training is that you MUST keep a training log for each session. Your goal is to improve your previous record in every exercise of every workout. Don’t worry, it’s easier than it looks.

With DC training, you actually switch between three different workouts for each body part. For the quadriceps, you would, for example. For example, perform squats in the first workout, a 45-degree leg press in the second workout, and squats with deadlifts in the third workout.

This triple alternation of exercises is very helpful in counteracting central nervous system fatigue and preventing long-term fatigue.

If you want to know more about DC training, read one of the following three articles:

Everything you ever wanted to know about DC training can be found in these articles.

Part 3: High Volume Powerlifting Training

Powerbuilding: The Ultimate Guide! – Revolutionary Program Design

One of the best ways to build a powerlifting-like program is to train like a powerlifter. No, I’m not joking! Many powerlifters, such as Larry Wills and Ben Pollack, have built impressive bodybuilding bodies solely through their powerlift training.

The key to gaining mass with a powerlifting type training program is to include a reasonable amount of assistance work with higher reps in addition to heavy sets with low reps. The Westside Barbell training program was actually designed from the beginning as a powerlifting style program.

In the Westside program, you do sets of fewer reps in the squat, bench press, or deadlift at the beginning of the workout to develop maximum strength. However, the rest of the training consists of working with heavier loads to build muscle mass and weakness.

Many Westside Barbell lifters have backs and triceps that a professional bodybuilder would envy!

Here’s what an upper body workout with Westside Barbell might look like. Look at this:

Westside Barbell Max Effort Upper Body Workout

  • A1 : Bench press (wide grip), 3 x 1, 1/0/X/0, 2-3 minutes rest.
  • B1 : Oblique bench press, 2 x 15-20**, 1/0/1/0, 2 minutes rest
  • C1 : JM press, 3 x 8-12, 1/0/1/0, 1 minute rest
  • D1: dumbbell, 3 x 8-12, 1/1/X/0, 1 minute rest
  • E1 : DB Power Cleans (30 degree bench), 3 x 8-12, 1/0/X/0, 1 minute rest.
  • F1 : Rope push-up with belt tension, 3 x 8-12, 1/0/1/0, 1 minute rest

Here is a training video for this session:

The athletes in this video work up to a max rep on the bench press, and then do a series of upper body support exercises. So you get the best of both worlds: a quick increase in strength and a good increase in hypertrophy.

Of course, there are many different ways to develop a powerlifting program. One of the easiest programs to follow is Jim Wendler’s 5/3/1 program. 5/3/1 is a powerlifting style training program designed to get you as strong as possible in squats, deadlifts, bench press and overhead press. In each workout, perform 3 heavy sets of one of these 4 exercises, followed by supporting exercises of your choice.

Jim has a model for working with assistants that he calls boring, but excellent, and he uses it with anyone looking to gain muscle hypertrophy. The basic idea is to perform 5 sets of 10 reps per workout in two key supporting exercises.

The pattern of 5 sets of 10 reps is very simple, but very effective. Here’s what a 5/3/1 workout for the deadlift might look like:

5/3/1 boring workout but excellent for deadlift

  • A1 : Regular deadlift, 3 x 5**, 1/1/X/0, 120 seconds rest
  • B1 : Back squat, 5 x 10****, 1/0/1, rest 60 seconds
  • B2: Deadlift, 5 x 10, 1/0/1/0, 60 seconds rest

**Running at 65%, 75%, and 85% of your maximum 1. Rehearsal.

****Porter 50% of your maximum 1. Repeat from.

Jim Wendler shows you what your last set of deadlifts should look like:

So far, we’ve looked at strength training programs that use a lot of repetitive work and props to get a good mix of size and strength growth. It’s a good learning strategy, but there’s always more than one way to skin a cat.

Weight coach Josh Bryant approaches his clients very differently. Josh Bryant has his powerlifters perform large amounts of squats, bench presses and deadlifts to build both size and strength.

In fact, many of Josh’s clients do 10-15 sets of competitive exercises in one workout! This approach has worked wonders for Jonathon Irizarry, one of Josh’s most recent clients.

Jonathan is a professional bodybuilder and wanted to be able to bench press 500 pounds while maintaining his hard-earned muscle mass. Josh implemented a high intensity bench press program that simultaneously made him bigger, stronger and more explosive.

This is one of Jonathan’s workouts from his 8 week bench press program. Look at this:

Josh Bryant style bench press

  • A1 : Bench press (competition grip), 1 x 2, 1/1/X/0, 120 seconds rest
  • B1 : Quick bench press (competition grip), 6 x 3, 1/1/X/0, 10 seconds rest.
  • B2 : 30 degrees tilt with chest support, 6 x 6, 1/0/X/1, 120 seconds rest
  • C1 : Functional isometrics in full bench press (competition grip)**, 2 x 5, 1/0/X/0, 120 seconds rest.
  • C2 : Bench press with straps (competition grip), 2 x 1, 1/0/X/0, 120 seconds rest
  • D1 : V-bar squats (front torso squats), 2 x 15, 1/0/X/0, 120 seconds rest.
  • E1: floor swings, 3 x 8-12, 1/1/1/0, rest 60 seconds
  • F1 : Unilateral push-ups on cable (forearm grip), 3 x 8-12, 1/0/X/1, 60 seconds rest.

Here is a training video for this session:

This is a high intensity workout! Many of Josh’s powerlifting clients report gaining new muscle mass, even if that’s not one of their main goals.

If you are a powerlifter but also want to build muscle mass like a powerbuilder, then you should check out Josh Bryant’s program. This is one of the best ways for a powerlifter to train.

Part 4: Daily air-frequency periodisation

Powerbuilding: The Ultimate Guide! – Revolutionary Program Design

Daily wave periodization is one of the most popular training methods for bodybuilders and powerlifters. The basic idea is to do different types of workouts throughout the week for each body part or exercise.

Many athletes train with more reps to increase size and train with fewer reps to increase strength in the same week. The theory is that you can prevent your body from getting bored during training by changing the training stimulus from session to session. Daily wave periodization can give a powerhouse the combination of size and strength gains they need.

One of the most popular strength training programs that utilizes daily golf periodization is called Fortitude Training. Fortitude Training was invented by Dr. Scott Stephenson, a national-level bodybuilder and world-class bodybuilding coach.

Scott wanted to develop a program that used different types of workouts for each body part throughout the week. Here’s what a typical Fortitude workout looks like:

Separation of body parts in FortitudeTraining

  • Monday:
    • Exercise series for the upper body
    • Lower body push-up sets
  • Tuesday
    • Lower body workout routines
    • Upper body push-up sets
  • Thursday
    • Muscle rounds upper body
    • Lower body push-up sets
  • Friday
    • Lower body muscle circumference
    • Upper body push-up sets

As you can see, Fortitude Training uses 3 main types of sequences: Load sets, muscle sets and buffer sets. Weight sets are heavy sets performed to failure or slightly less than failure in a range of 6 to 12 reps. Dr. Scott Stevenson uses load sets to develop both maximal strength and myofibrillar hypertrophy.

Muscle rounds are a type of cluster sets specific to hypertrophy. The goal is to perform 6 sets of 4 reps of an exercise with a weight you can lift 10-15 times. Here is an excellent video demonstration by Dr. Scott Stevenson:

Muscle rounds are more focused on building muscle mass.

Finally, Pamp sets are light sets of 20-30 reps performed near failure. Scott uses Pamp Sets as a way to increase the frequency of exercise for each body part without depleting the central nervous system. Scott also uses sets of push-ups to increase sarcoplasmic hypertrophy.

In endurance training there are 4 different training sessions per week for each body part: 1 load training, 1 circuit strength training and 2 load training sessions. With this type of program, you build size and strength in one week, although the nature of the training stimulus varies considerably from session to session.

This is very different from Justin Harris’ workouts, where every possible reps are performed in one workout.

Here are some examples of Fortitude Training workouts you can try:

Lower body weight day

  • A1 : Hip (load set), 2 x 6-12**, 2 minutes rest
  • B1 : Quadriceps (load set), 2 x 6-12**, 2 minutes rest
  • B2: Hamstrings (load series), 2 x 6-12**, 2 minutes rest
  • C1 : Adductor (load set), 2 x 6-12**, rest 2 minutes
  • D1 : Calves (load set), 2 x 6-12**, 2 minutes rest

**Do 1. Practice with 1 repetition to failure, both. Practice until you fail.

Lower Body Circuit Training Day

  • A1 : Hip (muscle round), 6 x 4**, rest 10 seconds
  • B1 : Quadriceps (muscle round), 6 x 4**, rest 10 seconds
  • C1: hamstrings (muscle round), 6 x 4**, rest 10 seconds
  • D1 : Calves (circular workout), 6 x 4**, rest 10 seconds

**Executed as a muscle trick as described above. Perform 6 sets of 4 reps with 10 seconds rest between sets. In the lead in the sixth. Do as many reps as you can.

Remember, Dr. Scott Stevenson wants you to do both upper and lower body exercises in the same workout. To learn more about Fortitude training, please read the article below:

Resilience training : A complete guide!

Alternating different types of workouts for each body part in the same week can be a very effective way to apply golf periodization. However, this is not the only way. Weight coach Charles Polikin popularized a form of wave periodization for strength trainers, where you perform 4 different workouts in 2-4 weeks. For example:

Cycle 1

  • Week 1: Education A.
  • Week 2: Formation B
  • Week 3: Formation C
  • Week 4: Education D

Cycle #2

  • Week 5: Education A.
  • Week 6: Formation B
  • Week 7: Formation C
  • Week 8: Education D

And so on. These 4 workouts use totally different ranges of repetitions. Workout A uses high reps, Workouts B and C use moderate reps and Workout D uses low reps. This wave periodization model is ideal for powerlifting because it builds size and strength in a 4-week training block.

Each time you repeat a particular workout, your goal is to improve your personal record in each exercise. Remember, powerlifting is all about getting stronger over time in the key exercises! If you’re not getting stronger, you’re not powerlifting!

Here’s an example of a wave-based training cycle that Olympic gold medalist Adam Nelson used to increase his bench press strength and overall upper body size. Look at this:

Adam Nelson Quad exercise rotation

  • Formation 1 / 5 / 9 / 13 : Route A
  • Formation 2 / 6 / 10 / 14 : Route B
  • Training 3 / 7 / 11 / 15 : Route C
  • Formation 4 / 8 / 12 / 16 : Route D

Adam Nelson Incline Press Drive

  • Dumbbell press at 30 degrees, 5 x 6-8, 4/0/1/0, 2 minutes rest

Adam Nelson Incline Press Drive B

  • Incline bench press 30 degrees (from the bottom), 5 x 4-6, 2/2/1/0, 2 minutes rest.

Adam Nelson Incline Press Drive C

  • bench press oblique 30 degrees with chains, 7 x (2,2,2,4,4,6,6), 3/0/1/1, 2 min rest

Adam Nelson Incline press training D

  • Bench press at a 30 degree angle (3 inch bar), 9 x (3,2,1,3,2,1,3,2,1), 2/0/X/0, 120 seconds rest.

Here are the training videos: Training A, Training B, Training C, Training D.

This routine was provided by Charles Poliquin, who was personally coaching Adam Nelson at the time. During these workouts, Adam also did some pull-ups and some chest and back exercises.

If you are the type of person who gets tired of doing the same workout over and over again, then periodization of waves is for you! This is simply one of the best powerlifting training strategies you can use to build size and strength.

Part 5: Accumulation/Intensification

Powerbuilding: The Ultimate Guide! – Revolutionary Program Design

The accumulation/intensification model of periodization was popularized by Charles Poliquin. The basic idea is to alternate hypertrophy and strength programs every 2 to 4 weeks.

In other words: You do 2-4 weeks of training per build to develop muscle mass, and then 2-4 weeks of training per build to develop maximum strength. This periodization pattern is ideal for strength athletes because you develop size and strength simultaneously.

I know some of you are reading this and saying: Come on, Mike! Name a top bodybuilder or powerlifter who trains like this! That’s right, you can’t! To which I reply: But what are you talking about? Many of the world’s biggest and strongest people train according to the accumulation/intensification periodization model.

For example, the strongest bodybuilder in the world, Stan Efferding, has used this periodization model extensively throughout his career in bodybuilding and powerlifting. Stan Efferdings’ favorite training strategy is to train 8 weeks of bodybuilding and then 8 weeks of powerlifting.

This is exactly the strategy Stan uses with many of his world-class athletes.

When Stan trains for bodybuilding, he prefers to train 6 days a week, twice a day. Look at this:

Stan Efferding Bodybuilding Split training

  • Monday
  • Tuesday
    • AM: Back
    • PM : Biceps / Triceps
  • Environment
  • Thursday
  • Friday
    • AM: Back
    • PM : Biceps / Triceps
  • Saturday

This is a high intensity workout! Stan believes that these 2x a day classes are absolutely necessary to build maximum muscle mass. Just listen to White Rhino himself:

I prefer to do my workouts twice a day. So we take advantage of these two stimuli for all hormones and all water, glycogen and sodium stores in the muscle. And all this together stimulates hypertrophy. It’s not just about the store, it’s about the whole environment.

Here’s the exact quadriceps workout Stan used when he worked with IFBB legend Flex Wheeler. Look at this:

Stan Efferding Strength training

  • A1 : Leg curl, 2 x 20, 1/0/1/0, 120 seconds rest.
  • B1 : Leg pressure, 2 x 20, 1/0/X/0, 120 seconds rest
  • C1 : Squat, 2 x 20, 1/0/X/0, 120 seconds rest
  • D1 : Step lunge DB, 2 x 20, 1/0/1/0, rest 120 seconds

Here is a training video for this session:

As you can see, Stan picks about 4 different exercises and performs 2 sets for each exercise until he fails. Stan calls these sets growth sets because they really stimulate muscle growth.

Now let’s take a look at one of Stan’s back workouts for bodybuilding. Look at this:

Stan Efferding Bodybuilding Back training

  • A1 : Tug of war (wide/forearm grip)**, 2 x 10-12, 1/0/X/0, 120 seconds rest
  • B1: pull-ups (tight/neutral grip), 2 x 12-16, 1/0/X/0, 120 seconds rest
  • C1: slash with bars****, 2 x 6-8, 1/0/X/0, 120 seconds rest
  • D1 : Machine pullover, 2 x 14-16, 2/0/X/0, 120 second break

Here is a training video for this session:

Stan again picks 4 different exercises and does 2 sets for each exercise until he fails. This is a very high volume that can lead to overtraining in most people. Don’t worry, Stan will take care of you. After 8 weeks of high volume bodybuilding training, switch to an 8 week low volume powerlifting program.

Here is the exact breakdown of training Stan used during his powerlifting career:

Stan Efferding Powerlifting Split training

  • Monday: Bench Press
  • Saturday: Squat or deadlift

That’s right – Stan was only training 2 days a week when he broke the world record for weightlifting in the 275 pound class!

Therein lies the beauty of the accumulation/intensification drive model: High volume strength training dramatically increases your performance and recovery. When you then switch to these low volume powerlifting workouts, your strength increases dramatically!

Stan calls it the rebound effect when you return to heavy barbell exercises after 8 weeks of strength training. Here’s what Stan’s squat workout looked like:

Stan Efferding Powerlifting leg / squat workout

  • A1 : Squat (competition position), 1 x 1-3, 2/0/X/0, rest 300 seconds
  • C1 : 45 degree leg press (with straps), 2 x 10-15, 2/0/X/0, 120 seconds rest
  • D1: Dumbbell back stand, 2 x 10-15, 1/0/X/0, 120 seconds rest

Here’s a great video of Stan doing squats in training at 905 pounds:

As you can see, Stan has kept his powerlifting squat workouts simple and straightforward. He does a few heavy sets of squats and one or two extra exercises, and that’s it. He’s built up enough muscle mass in the previous phase of strength training, so he doesn’t need to worry here: The powerlifting phase is all about lifting as much weight as possible!

Here’s what Stan’s deadlift workouts looked like:

Stan Efferding Powerlifting Back / Deadlift Workout

  • A1: Regular deadlift, 1 x 1-3, X/0/X/0, rest if necessary
  • B1 : 45 degree leg press (with straps), 2 x 10-15, 2/0/X/0, 120 seconds rest
  • C1: Tug of war (wide/forearm grip), 2 x 10-15, 1/0/X/0, 120 seconds rest
  • D1 : Seated Ropes (V-handle), 2 x 10-15, 1/0/X/0, rest 120 seconds

Here’s a great video of Stan doing deadlifts:

Again: Stan makes it incredibly easy. He does a series of bench presses and some supporting exercises and goes home. Stan is proof that the accumulation/intensification model is one of the best powerlifting training programs you can use.

Of course, it is impossible to talk about an accumulation/intensification periodization model without talking about Charles Poliquin. Charles used the build-up/intensification model with most of his Olympic athletes.

Charles liked to change phases every 2 or 3 weeks, not every 8 weeks like Stan Efferding. Charles believed that this greater variation produced faster results for increased size and strength.

Here is a cumulative workout inspired by Charles Poliquin that you can do for 2 or 3 weeks. Look at this:

Charles Poliquin Accumulation Chest/Back Workout

  • A1 : 30 degree oblique press, 4 x (8, 8, 10, 12), 4/0/1/0, 60 seconds rest.
  • A2 : Pull-up (tight/neutral grip), 4 x (8, 8, 10, 12), 4/0/1/0, 60 seconds rest.
  • B1 : Flat press DB, 3 x 10-12, 3/1/2/0, 10 sec. pause
  • B2 : Polyquina Flat Swings, 3 x 12-15, 2/1/1/0, rest 10 seconds
  • B3 : Pectoral extension machine, 3 x 15-20, 2/0/2/0, 120 sec.
  • B4 : Seated rope row (V-handle), 3 x 10-12, 3/0/1/2, rest 10 seconds
  • B5 : Cable pull in seated position, 3 x 12-15, 2/0/2/0, rest 10 seconds
  • B6 : Leg raise with DB, 3 x 15-20, 2/0/2/0, rest 120 seconds

This workout uses a variety of exercises, reps and training methods to build as much muscle mass as possible. The three omni rep sets at the end of the workout are particularly difficult. After 2 or 3 weeks of this workout, you will be ready to work on your lower abs. The following intensification procedure, inspired by Charles Poliquin, is ideal. Look at this:

Charles Poliquin Intensive chest and back training

  • A1 : Incline bench press at 45 degrees (medium grip), 4-5 x 5-7, 5/0/1/0, 90 seconds rest.
  • A2: pull-ups (wide grip/ impregnated), 4-5 x 5-7, 5/0/1/0, rest 90 seconds
  • B1 : V-bar squats (squats with upper body forward), 4-5 x 5-7, 5/0/1/0, 90 seconds rest.
  • B2: machine rowing with chest support, 4-5 x 5-7, 5/0/1/0, 90 seconds rest
  • C1: chain flying, 3-4 x 5-7, 5/0/1/0, 90 seconds pause
  • C2 : Rowing with immobilization in the Smith machine (mid tibia level), 4-5 x 3-4, 5/0/1/0, rest 90 seconds

This workout is great for developing maximum strength and functional hypertrophy. Just make sure you use a true 5 second descent phase with each exercise. Tempos are written like that for a reason!


Powerbuilding: The Ultimate Guide! – Revolutionary Program Design

Powerbuilding is a workout designed to build an incredible physique and throw heavy cinder blocks in the gym. For me, that’s what it takes to be big and strong! If you are a powerhouse at heart, you need to start training like a powerhouse.

In this guide, I will show you the five most effective ways to do a strength workout:

  • Strategy # 1: Hybrid strength and size training
  • Strategy #2: High intensity training in bodybuilding
  • Strategy #3: High volume powerlifting training
  • Strategy #4: Daily radio wave periodization
  • Strategy #5: Accumulation/Intensification Learning

These five strategies have been used by some of the greatest and strongest men in the world, including Dorian Yates, Adam Nelson, Justin Harris and Stan Efferding.

Remember, a powerlifter is not a bad person if he is lean and tanned, just like a bodybuilder who throws heavy cinder blocks in the gym.

So, what are you waiting for? Get back to the gym and start powerlifting the way you want to!

If you have a very clear idea of where you want to go, the rest will be much easier. It’s not that I need to do 200 more squats, it’s more that I can’t wait to do 200 more squats because it will get me one step closer to the abs I need to win the Mr. Universe contest. And that is my goal.

Thanks for reading and good luck with your strength training!

Dr. Mike Jansen.

Thanks for stopping by my site! My name is Dr. Mike Jansen, PT, DPT, and I am the founder of Revolutionary Program Design. If you want to reach your size and strength goals faster, you’ve come to the right place. My goal is to make RPD the best strength training resource in the world. So lean back, kick back and relax. There has never been a better time to lift weights or learn the art and science of developing strength training programs.

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Link to Benedict Magnusson’s deadlift workout!

Benedikt Magnusson’s deadlift training!

Benedikt Magnusson is an Icelandic athlete and one of the strongest men in the world. Benedict Magnusson is best known for his incredible strength in the deadlift. In 2010, he crushed….

a link to Jay Cutler’s training program!

Jay Cutler’s training program!

Jay Cutler is one of the most famous bodybuilders of all time. He won the M award. The Olympic competition has been held four times – in 2006, 2007, 2009 and 2010.

Fans call Jay a reverse kid….

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