Used to have longer, stronger and thicker hair and wonder when it all changed? Not to worry…it is natural. However, this blog post looks at what actions, products and procedures can be taken that will help encouraging hair growth.

But first, let’s take a look at how hair grows.

Hair’s growth cycle

Can Any Actions Be Taken To Encourage Hair Growth?

Each hair strand on a person’s head goes through a 3-stage growth process: active, transition and rest.

Active growth (anagen growth) typically lasts 5-7 years during which a hair bulb makes contact with the follicle’s base and starts to receive blood and nutrients.

The transition phase (catagen phase) lasting a few days to a few weeks, sees the bulb detach from the blood supply and move up the follicle. Although the bulb is firmly in place, actions such as brushing hair too vigorously and scratching the scalp can dislodge the bulb from the follicle.

The final phase is the rest phase (telogen phase). Here the hair follicle rests in preparation to begin the cycle all over again. During this phase, the hair strand will be released. It is possible to identify a new hair strand from the white bulb at the end of the strand.

With ageing comes the shortened period of the active growth phase. This is why it can be difficult to grow long strong hair, the strands are weaker due to the reduced time receiving blood and nutrients.

Possible reasons for weak hair strands

Can Any Actions Be Taken To Encourage Hair Growth?

In addition to the ageing process resulting in weakened and reduced hair growth, there are other factors to take into consideration.

For example, certain medications can cause slower hair growth. Protein deficiency within the body is another cause.

Daily stress factors encourage shallower breaths which results in less oxygen intake. The body will ensure oxygen is directed to the vital parts of the body first, such as the heart and lungs.  Less vital systems, such as hair follicles, will receive less oxygen.

Rough handling can also contribute to weaker hair strands. Constantly using heat tools to style hair, hairstyles such as a tight ponytail as well as sharp nails or bristles can damage the hair and scalp.

In addition, the process of washing and the products used can also damage hair, resulting in weaker and damaged hair.

How to encourage strong, healthy regrowth

Can Any Actions Be Taken To Encourage Hair Growth?

There are a number of ways to encourage healthy new hair growth.

A healthy balanced diet would be the number one thing to focus on. Hair follicles need the proper nutrition to grow strong hair strands. Making sure plenty of fruit, nuts, vegetables and grains are included in the diet is the easiest way of encouraging hair growth.

Blood circulation is essential for delivering nutrients to the hair follicle. Massaging the scalp is an effective way to increase blood circulation. Adding some essential oils such as peppermint or rosemary while massaging the scalp with the fingers, can promote blood circulation.

The correct hair products can make a difference in hair appearance and strength. Shampoo, conditioners, hair masks and serums can all aid with hair regrowth. Using the correct products and ingredients on the hair can help in the long run.

However, there are no overnight miracle products…they must be used over a number of months and years to begin to see a visual difference; and continued to be used to keep the lasting effects.

Long-term treatment for hair growth

Can Any Actions Be Taken To Encourage Hair Growth?

Although the above suggestions will encourage hair growth, it’s unlikely you will find any of them as effective as PRP and PRF treatments.

PRP (platelet-rich plasma) and PRF (platelet-rich fibrin) are both non-invasive treatments that use the client’s own blood – more importantly, the plasma or fibrin, to stimulate hair growth.

During the treatment, blood is taken from the client’s arm, which is then placed in a centrifuge that spins at a high speed to separate the platelets from the blood.

An additional step is needed to cool the blood before being placed in the centrifuge if PRF treatment is chosen. The reduction in the blood’s temperature can produce 20-50% more platelet-rich formula.

The PRP or PRF is then injected into the client’s scalp at half-inch intervals, or into the area of concern. This injection, along with micro-needling, can encourage circulation with more blood supply for each follicle, allowing an extended period for the hair growth cycle.

Using the client’s own blood enables natural hair regrowth and reduces the likelihood of any communicable diseases.

Performed by highly trained and qualified doctors at the Hair Skin Science clinic, PRP and PRF procedures are quick and painless. In many cases, they can even be performed during the lunch break! Recovery time is fast, however, exercising and shampooing need to be avoided for the first 12 hours.

Clients have seen a tremendous difference in hair growth, thickness and strength following PRP and PRF treatments. If you would like more information about PRP and PRF treatments, visit the team at Hair Skin Science and see how they can help you look and feel your best.

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