The kettlebell is a simple, ancient tool that’s been around for hundreds of years and has been used in gyms, at home, and in the military for strength and endurance training. The kettlebell is a versatile tool, and you can use it to build strength and muscles, improve cardio, and burn calories.

If you are looking to lose weight, then you probably have at least heard of kettlebells. Kettlebells are a great piece of equipment because they allow you to train your entire body. You can tone your muscles, work on your cardio, and even build up your strength. That being said, if you are new to kettlebell training, then you may not know all of the benefits that you can obtain from using kettlebells.

Losing weight is not an easy task, and most people who have tried it have failed. What makes the difference? Most likely, it is the amount of effort you put into it. If you have tried to lose weight and failed, it is likely that you have tried too hard or too little.. Read more about kettlebell fat loss before and after and let us know what you think.

Is it possible to lose weight using kettlebells? 

Both yes and no.

But if you asked me whether I can lose weight using dumbbells, hiking, gymnastics, swimming, eating fruit, or drinking unicorn pee, I’d give you the same response.

That is not, however, the question you are posing to me. So, let’s get started with today’s article. 

Is it possible to lose weight using kettlebells? Here’s how to lose weight whether you’re using them or not.

Note that when I say calorie deficit, I also mean energy deficit in this essay.

Kettlebells may help you lose weight in the same way that dumbbells, barbells, Peloton, walking, or any other kind of exercise can.

You may lose weight by averaging an energy or calorie deficit across time. This may be accomplished in a variety of ways.

Putting a limit on a macronutrient or a dietary category

Can you lose weight with kettlebells? (Yes, and here’s how)

This is not my preferred approach, but it has shown to be effective for a lot of my clients.

A “diet” is defined as a restriction on a macronutrient. Carbs are limited on the Keto diet. Animal protein is limited in a vegan diet. Furthermore, the Paleo diet forbids the use of grains, legumes, and dairy products. 

You generate a calorie deficit in the picture above by limiting a certain food category. As a result, your total calorie consumption will be reduced. You may lose weight if you don’t replenish those calories and you’re in a calorie deficit. 

Let’s suppose you consume 2,000 calories each day on average and are able to maintain your weight. Every day, you consume the following carbs within these calories.

  • 2 pieces of bread for breakfast (200 calories)
  • 1 apple for lunch (80 calories)
  • 1 cup rice for dinner (200 calories)
  • 480 calories total

You wouldn’t be consuming 480 calories if you limited carbs. This means you’ll be consuming 1,620 calories each day. This puts you in a calorie deficit, and you may begin to lose weight as a result. 

Intermittent fasting or skipping a meal (creating eating windows)

Can you lose weight with kettlebells? (Yes, and here’s how)

Stop eating breakfast and don’t replenish the calories you’ve lost. If you maintain a constant calorie deficit over time, you may lose weight.

Let’s suppose you consume 2,000 calories each day on average and are able to maintain your weight. The following items are included in your first meal of the day.

  • 3 slices eggs (protein) (210 calories)
  • 1 apple (carbs) (80 calories)
  • Avocado is high in fat (200 calories)
  • 490 calories total 

You’ve cut your overall calorie consumption by 490 calories by missing this lunch. You’re currently consuming 1,610 calories per day on average. You’ve reached a calorie deficit and may begin to lose weight.

Maintain your current diet, but consume less calories.

Can you lose weight with kettlebells? (Yes, and here’s how)

At one or more meals, you decrease the portion size. Another approach to eat less of what you already eat is to skip snacks. The goal is to improve by one percent. Simple substitutions and tweaks may make a big difference.

Let’s suppose you consume 2,000 calories each day on average and are able to maintain your weight. You get a burger and fries from a favorite restaurant down the block every day for lunch.

  • 350 calories (with bread) for a cheeseburger
  • 340 calories in medium fries
  • 0 calories in Diet Coke
  • 690 calories total 

Let’s suppose you drink two glasses of wine every night.

  • 240 calories per glass of wine
  • 930 calories total (including lunch)

What if you made the following 1% better swaps instead?

  • 250 calories per hamburger (with bun)
  • 220 (little) friends
  • 0 calories in Diet Coke
  • 470 calories total (-220 from your previous lunch)

Those two glasses of wine have now been reduced to one.

  • 120 calories per glass of wine
  • 590 calories total (including lunch)

You’ve placed yourself in a 340-calorie deficit by making these simple changes. It’s possible that you’ll begin to lose weight.

Enhance the nutritional value of food (this usually leads to less calorie density)

Can you lose weight with kettlebells? (Yes, and here’s how)You now have water, apple, and scrambled eggs instead of a caramel macchiato and cream cheese bagel. Whole foods are often lower in calories and more satisfying. As a result, you’ll be able to maintain a constant calorie deficit throughout time.

Old meal:

  • 220 calories in a large caramel macchiato
  • 400 calories in a bagel with cream cheese
  • 620 calories total

New meal:

  • 80 calories per apple
  • 140 calories from 2 eggs
  • 50 calories from spinach and onion
  • Water has no calories.
  • Total calorie count: 270

If you consume 2,000 calories a day and stay the same weight, you’ve produced a 350-calorie deficit and may begin to lose weight.

You may generate a calorie deficit in a variety of different ways.

There’s a high possibility you’ll combine a few of these ideas. 

When I inquired whether kettlebells might help you lose weight, he said yes. I saw you said that you “may” lose weight. What’s the big deal about that?

My buddy, you are quite smart. 

As I discuss in the post “How to Lose Weight with Peloton if You’re Not Losing Weight and Wondering Why,” Even if you believe you’re in a calorie deficit, there are a variety of reasons why you may not be losing weight.

Warning: this article contains spoilers. It’s due to the fact that you’re not in a calorie deficit.

Here are a few more justifications:

  • Dieting throughout the workweek. Creating a calorie deficit throughout the week and eating more on weekends than you believe. As a result, your calorie intake will be balanced.
  • If you’re using an app like Myfitnesspal to monitor calories, you’re not properly weighing and measuring your meals.
  • If you aren’t monitoring your calories and portion sizes, you may be underestimating them. 
  • We eat out a lot. Meals out are often higher in calories and provide bigger quantities than those prepared at home.
  • Assuming that “clean eating” or “healthy eating” would result in weight reduction on its own.
  • PCOS

In the video below, I go through seven reasons why you may not be losing weight. 

Is it possible to lose weight by using kettlebells?

Both yes and no.

Yes, since if you like working out with them, you’ll be more inclined to do it on a regular basis. This may indicate you’re burning more calories and gaining muscle (if training with progressive overload). Both are critical components of weight loss and maintenance.

No, since weight reduction is impossible without a calorie deficit. It is quite easy to start losing weight without changing your diet if you exercise and consume adequate calories. But you’re only going to go so far.

Those who used combined exercise and nutrition methods dropped the greatest weight, according to a systematic study performed by James E Clark. Those who followed a weight reduction strategy based only on exercise or diet did not.

Will kettlebells aid in the reduction of abdominal fat?

It’s that vexing response all over again. Both yes and no.

It’s pretty similar to the previous response. The key to fat reduction is to maintain a calorie deficit over a long period of time.

You can’t target fat loss to a specific body region by training certain muscles, using specialized equipment, or eating specific meals.

You will lose body fat from every part of your body. Some people may reduce abdominal fat more quickly than others. Others may find this to be a difficult region to work with, and it will take longer.

When it comes to fat reduction customers, we track their progress in a variety of methods.

  • Weighing scale (daily)
  • measures of the girth (monthly)
  • Photographs (monthly)

Non-scale indicators of progress include:

  • The standard of sleep
  • Mood
  • Energy
  • They are significant progress makers in their own right (i.e. endurance when walking up the stairs)

Despite the fact that it may be discouraging to hear. It will take longer to reduce fat in certain places. You’ll drive yourself insane if you don’t discover other relevant methods to track your development. 

What are the greatest kettlebell exercises for weight loss?

The top 9 effective kettlebell exercises for weight reduction are listed below.

  1. There
  2. Are 
  3. No
  4. Best
  5. Kettlebell 
  6. Exercises
  7. For
  8. Weight 
  9. Loss

While it’s true that certain kettlebell exercises burn more calories than others, it’s also true that some kettlebell workouts burn more calories than others. At best, the numbers would be negligible.

Instead of discussing whether to perform kettlebell swings or kettlebell cleans, you’d be better off eating less pieces of pizza and drinking more beer.

Instead, here is a list of some of the greatest kettlebell workouts that may help you burn calories, develop muscle, and improve your cardiovascular health in general.

Kettlebell exercises for hip hinging:

Kettlebell squatting and lunging exercises:

Kettlebell horizontal pressing exercises:

Pulling horizontally with a kettlebell:

Exercising with a kettlebell in a vertical position:

You may also like the following kettlebell exercises:

What is the calorie burn rate of a 20-minute kettlebell workout?

Ten males between the ages of 29 and 46 who had previously trained with kettlebells participated in the research. It was shown that a 20-minute kettlebell exercise including swings and raises burnt on average 20 calories per minute. Approximately 400 calories in 20 minutes. 

But, as I stated in the post “How To Lose Weight With Peloton If You’re Not Losing Weight And Wondering Why,” When we exercise, we may not burn as many calories as we believe.

Different fitness trackers were evaluated in a Stanford University research to verify their accuracy for calories burnt. The most accurate gadget was still 27 percent off, according to the findings. The least accurate was 93 percent off the mark.

Overeating may result from these overestimations. You now think you’re burning X amount of calories and have enough space to consume Y amount of calories. 

If you’re tracking your calories burnt using a smart gadget, try this instead.

  • Use these estimates to get a sense of how hard you’re working.
  • Treat them as a chance to challenge yourself every now and again. Attempt to surpass your calorie expenditure.
  • Use them to keep track of a fun metric.

Don’t rely on them to figure out how many calories you can consume. If you’re using food as a reward for exercise, take some time this week to consider alternative methods to commemorate your workouts. 

  • New exercise attire
  • Keeping up with your favorite program
  • Gaming
  • Staycation
  • Spa day

Many people’s default approach when they aren’t losing weight is to exercise more. Please remember that exercising alone will not result in weight reduction. The only thing that works is the calorie deficit that we’ve been discussing.

What is the ideal weight for a novice kettlebell?

This is dependent on a variety of variables.

  • prior training experience
  • size
  • capacity to rapidly learn new things
  • strength at the moment
  • Most importantly, kettlebell technique.

However, for novices wanting to get started, I suggest the following kettlebell weights.

  • 16kg for men (35 pound)
  • 8kg for women (18 pounds)

If you’re on a budget, two kettlebells of the same weight may be the best option. Alternatively, one heavier kettlebell may be used for steady kettlebell workouts like swings and deadlifts. For the most part, a heavier one of 50-55 pounds will suffice. In addition, most women gain 35 to 40 pounds.

There are a few additional things to consider before beginning to exercise with kettlebells.

1: Because your lower body is stronger than your upper body, you will be able to lift greater weight. This may imply that the 35-pound kettlebell deadlift is less difficult than the 35-pound kettlebell overhead press.

2: You’ll be performing more unilateral or single-limb workouts. If you just have one kettlebell, you may only be able to do certain exercises with one limb at a time. 

3: Kettlebell training often necessitates the use of several bodily parts. Training with kettlebells may be very demanding. Many kettlebell workouts, including as kettlebell swings, kettlebell thrusters, and kettlebell cleans and snatches, require the use of the whole body.

Is a kettlebell exercise more of a strength or cardio workout?

In the article “How To Do A Russian Kettlebell Swing,” I go through this in more detail. Kettlebell exercises may be both aerobic (with oxygen) and anaerobic (without oxygen) (without oxygen). 

Kettlebell swings, in particular, may elicit sufficient cardiovascular, neuromuscular, and metabolic responses to increase strength, aerobic power, and overall fitness. The Russian kettlebell swing may help you build strength and improve your cardiovascular health.

Researchers matched thirty minutes of kettlebell swings and deadlifts to jogging on a treadmill at a moderate inclination in one study. They looked examined how breathing, heart rate, calories burnt, and rate of perceived effort were changed by each exercise.

The VO2, blood pressure, and calorie burn indicators were comparable between the kettlebell exercise and treadmill cardio, but the kettlebell workout had a greater rate of perceived effort (it felt tougher) and heart rate. This suggests that kettlebell exercises (including swings) may be an excellent way to increase cardiovascular fitness.

Strength may also be improved by using the Russian kettlebell swing. The benefits of weight lifting and kettlebell training on vertical leap, strength, and body composition were compared in one research. Short-term weightlifting and kettlebell training were both helpful in improving strength and power, according to the findings. Weightlifting exercises, on the other hand, resulted in higher strength increases than kettlebell training.

For weight reduction, how frequently should I use kettlebells?

If you want to lose weight, you should focus on establishing a calorie deficit via nutrition.

Two to four exercises each week will enough to increase strength, enhance cardiovascular health, and improve body composition.

The frequency with which you should exercise is determined by a variety of factors.

  • Sleep
  • Stress
  • Volume of training
  • Intensity of training
  • Nutrition

What are the best beginning kettlebell workouts?

When you’re beginning anything new, try to avoid the “best” mindset.

I understand. You want to be sure that everything you’re doing is the most effective for you and your objectives. When we get caught up with the finest, though, two things frequently happen.

  1. Because we’re constantly looking for the next great thing, we never get started.
  2. We begin, but our quest for the “best” continues as we leap from one new dazzling item to the next.

Instead of the greatest, I’ll show you how to get started with a beginning kettlebell exercise.

A full-body kettlebell exercise for complete beginners:

Complete 3 to 5 sets of the exercises below. Between each workout, take a 30-90 second break. You may perform this as a circuit or do each exercise individually.

8-15 repetitions of kettlebell goblet squat


8-15 reps per arm, kettlebell 3-point row


Push-ups with a kettlebell: 8-15 reps per arm (or floor press or push up)


10-30 seconds plank



Work on your kettlebell swings as a bonus.


Here are some more kettlebell exercises to get you started:

Is it possible to lose weight using kettlebells? Finally, some thoughts.

After approximately 2,300 words, I’m done. The answer to the question “can you lose weight using kettlebells?” is a resounding yes and no. It all depends on whether or not you maintain a calorie deficit over time.

You should do it if you like kettlebell training. But not just for the goal of weight loss. Allow your nutrients to perform the majority of the job. 

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Can you lose weight with kettlebells? (Yes, and here’s how)


Unsplash photo by Drastic Graphics

One of the biggest fitness trends you see today is for women to bulk up—adding weight to various parts of the body—and then some. But, some say that is a bad idea for women. They say that you will gain muscle instead of losing fat, and they also say that it will only add to your trouble with the scale. Also, they say that because of kettlebells workout is not for all women.. Read more about kettlebell fat loss program pdf and let us know what you think.

Frequently Asked Questions

Do you lose weight with kettlebells?

No, kettlebells are not a weight loss tool.

How long does it take for kettlebells to work?

It takes about 10-12 minutes for kettlebells to start working.

What happens if I do kettlebells everyday?

If you do kettlebells everyday, you will get stronger.

This article broadly covered the following related topics:

  • how many kettlebells do i need
  • kettlebell swings weight loss
  • how many kettlebell swings to lose weight
  • how fast can i lose weight with kettlebells
  • how much weight can you lose with kettlebells
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